[okfn-br] Fwd: [OD WG OGP] Submission of a short questionnaire to the Open Data WG on public interest data

Gisele S. Craveiro gisele.craveiro em gmail.com
Quinta Junho 25 21:35:32 UTC 2015

O que acha sobre a abertura de dados do setor privado que são de interesse
público ?

A França está desenhando uma política para isso.

Segue mensagem abaixo.



*De: *"Mark Levene" <Mark.Levene em tbs-sct.gc.ca>
*Para: *opendatawg em opengovpartnership.org
*Cc: *"OD WG Central" <project-ogpodwg em webfoundation.org>, "Maciek
*Assunto: *[OD WG OGP] Submission of a short questionnaire to the Open Data
WG on public interest data

Hello Working Group Members,

Please see the request below from the Government of France:

France is currently debating the concept of “*public interest data*”, that
is: datasets held by the private sector yet whose publication would serve
the public interest. This requirement could be added to the upcoming Law on
Digital Matters that will be *introduced* into *parliament* by the
government in Autumn.

A high-level expert taskforce has been mandated to analyze and benchmark
this concept in preparation of the law. We thought that the input of our
OGP peers would be very valuable so we designed this very short

The results of the survey will be shared with the group later this summer
(in a CSV spreadsheet). The survey will be open until July, 3, 2015. Should
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Claire or
Camille, both of whom are copied on this email.


Mark Levene

A/Director, Open Government Strategic Planning and Liaison, Chief
Information Officer Branch

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat / Government of Canada

Mark.Levene em tbs-sct.gc.ca / Tel: 613-410-9399 / TTY: 613-957-9090

Directeur par interim, Planification stratégique et liaisons du
gouvernement ouvert, Direction du dirigeant principal de l'information
Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Mark.Levene em tbs-sct.gc.ca / Tél. :  613-410-9399 / ATS : 613-957-9090
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