[okfn-br] Fwd: [global-nn] Join coalition letter to Twitter on Politwoops?
Heloisa Pait
heloisa em ok.org.br
Quinta Setembro 10 13:11:24 UTC 2015
Olá Carolina,
Não concordo que essa decisão traga "grave consequences for free expression
and transparency around the world." Pelo contrário. Política é algo fluido,
e é bom que os políticos se sintam à vontade para ouvir, propor, refletir,
voltar atrás, ouvir novamente, mudar de opinião. Essa gana por uniformidade
e coerência militar é ruim para a política.
Acho que não se deve proibir de veicular opiniões passadas, isso não. Volto
sempre a falar da morte dos blogueiros brasileiros, que é algo de uma
gravidade tremenda. Mas se um aplicativo não faz tudo o que está a seu
alcance para que essas opiniões sejam facilmente resgatadas, não é um
problema gravíssimo nem ameaça a livre expressão.
2015-09-09 17:19 GMT-03:00 Carolina Rossini <carolina.rossini em gmail.com>:
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* Deji Olukotun <deji em accessnow.org>
> *Date:* September 9, 2015 at 4:01:13 PM EDT
> *To:* "global-nn em lists.riseup.net" <global-nn em lists.riseup.net>
> *Subject:* *[global-nn] Join coalition letter to Twitter on Politwoops?*
> *Reply-To:* Deji Olukotun <deji em accessnow.org>
> Hi to All,
> Apologies for cross posting. Please find below an open letter to Twitter
> about its decision to turn off Politwoops, a crucial tool for holding
> politicians accountable in 32 countries. We've had great coverage of the
> campaign so far (you can see media hits at the bottom). Help us make a
> broader impact.
> *Please let us know if your group will sign on by Friday 9am NYC.*
> This an important fight for transparency, accountability, and free
> expression.
> Best,
> Deji
> https://www.accessnow.org/pages/open-letter-twitter-restore-politwoops-access-api
> Open letter to Twitter to restore Politwoops access to API
> *September 2015 *
> We, the undersigned, are international human rights and transparency
> groups based around the world. We are writing in opposition to Twitter’s
> recent decision to revoke the ability of the tool Politwoops and similar
> tools to utilize Twitter’s Application Programming Interface, or API. We
> believe Twitter’s decision holds grave consequences for free expression and
> transparency around the world.
> *Background*
> In 2010, the Netherlands-based Open State Foundation created the
> Politwoops tool to publish Tweets deleted by politicians. From then
> onwards, the Open State Foundation rolled out Politwoops with the help of
> individuals and organizations in 32 countries, including the Sunlight
> Foundation in the U.S. Twitter then revoked the ability of the Sunlight
> Foundation to use its API in May 2015 and it revoked the Open State
> Foundation’s access to the API on August 21.
> *Transparency and due process*
> To justify its decision, Twitter explained
> <https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2301490-case-20502126-twitter-api-violation-notification.html>
> that, “No one user is more deserving of that ability [to delete a tweet]
> than another. Indeed, deleting a tweet is an expression of one’s voice.”
> Twitter’s reasoning conflates transparency and accountability with
> privacy. We agree that when users decide to delete tweets they are engaging
> in expression—but add that the public has a compelling interest in the
> expression of public officials. Recognizing this public interest, courts
> have long held that public officials do not receive the same treatment for
> privacy. Further, when public officials use Twitter to amplify their
> political views, they invite greater scrutiny of their expression.
> Journalists and civil society utilize tools like Politwoops to understand
> the views and commitments of the people these politicians represent—and the
> politician or candidate’s own intents and perspective. In this case, the
> citizen’s right to freedom of expression —which includes access to
> information—outweighs the official’s right to a retroactive edit.
> In terms of process, this decision involved minimal dialogue with the Open
> State Foundation and the Sunlight Foundation. There was no opportunity to
> appeal the decision, which impacted a widely-used, volunteer-run service.
> The action carried out by Twitter was arbitrary and cuts against the very
> principles of transparency that Politwoops was designed to confront.
> We recognize that the API license gives Twitter discretion to enforce its
> terms. However, Twitter should also take into account human rights when it
> exercises that discretion—and particularly the right of people to access to
> information where it serves the interest of public accountability and
> transparency in a democratic society. There are times when what is legal
> must be outweighed by what is right.
> *Recommendations*
> We note that Twitter has been a leader in transparency and free expression
> since its founding. The platform has helped foster numerous advances in
> journalism and in accountability. This makes the unilateral decision by
> Twitter so troubling and off-course. Accordingly, we urge you to:
> - immediately restore access for the Politwoops tool to the Twitter
> API in every country around the world;
> - convene stakeholders to develop a forward-looking API policy, or
> other constructive solution, that allows civil society groups to
> effectively promote accountability and transparency for the public interest;
> - make clear exceptions in the “Twitter Developer Agreement & Policy”
> for information shared in the public interest, such as for transparency or
> journalistic purposes; and
> - participate in multistakeholder organizations which facilitate
> meetings between civil society, investors, academics, and corporations on
> decisions impacting human rights.
> Signed,
> Access
> Alternatif Bilisim (Turkey)
> American Civil Liberties Union
> Art 34-bis (Italy)
> Asociacion por los Derechos Civiles (Argentina)
> Bits of Freedom (Netherlands)
> Blueprint for Free Speech (Australia)
> Civio Foundation (Spain)
> Clean Air Action Group (Hungary)
> Derechos Digitales (Latin America)
> Electronic Frontier Foundation
> Electronic Frontiers Australia
> EDRi
> European Federation of Journalists
> Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (France)
> Free Press
> Fundación Ciudadana Civio (Spain)
> GovTrack.us
> Hiperderecho (Peru)
> Human Rights Watch
> Iraqi Network for Social Media
> Jinbonet (Korea)
> Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (Netherlands)
> Open Knowledge Foundation (Australia)
> OpenMedia (Canada)
> Open State Foundation
> Paradigm Initiative (Nigeria)
> Pirate Party (Turkey)
> La Quadrature du Net (France)
> Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (Mexico)
> Sunlight Foundation (U.S.)
> Support for Information Technology Center (Egypt)
> Vrijschrift (Netherlands)
> Web Foundation
> *Learn more about the open letter: *Fortune
> <http://fortune.com/2015/09/04/twitter-politwoops>, The Verge
> <http://www.theverge.com/2015/9/4/9259939/coalition-demands-politwoops-api-restoration>,
> Fast Company
> <http://www.fastcompany.com/3050785/tech-forecast/human-rights-watch-transparency-groups-condemn-twitters-politwoops-ban>,
> The Hill
> <http://thehill.com/policy/technology/252762-digital-rights-groups-pressure-twitter-to-restore-politwoops>,
> Business Insider
> <http://www.businessinsider.com/rights-groups-open-letter-twitter-politwoops-ban-2015-9>,
> Washington Post
> <http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2015/09/08/waiting-for-the-senate-on-cybersecurity-fcc-weighs-new-router-rules-could-politwoops-come-back/>,
> TechCrunch
> <http://techcrunch.com/2015/09/04/human-rights-groups-lambast-twitter-for-banning-service-that-tracked-politicians-deleted-tweets/>,
> Dutch Radio 1
> <http://nos.nl/artikel/2055918-organisaties-vragen-twitter-in-brief-blokkade-op-politwoops-te-stoppen.html>,
> Nu.nl
> <http://www.nu.nl/tech/4119267/ngos-spreken-zich-twitter-blokkade-politwoops.html>,
> The Register
> <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/09/08/digi_rights_groups_take_aim_at_twitter_for_abandoning_the_principles_of_free_speech/>,
> Tech Times
> <http://www.techtimes.com/articles/82262/20150905/political-watchdog-banned-on-twitter-why-are-rights-groups-pushing-for-reversal.htm>,
> <http://www.cnet.com/news/rights-groups-want-twitter-to-reverse-ban-on-political-watchdog-group/>,
> Villamedia
> <https://www.villamedia.nl/artikel/open-brief-voor-opheffen-blokkade-politwoops>,
> Ansa
> <http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/tecnologia/internet_social/2015/09/08/attivisti-twitter-ripristini-politwoops_cb2b717a-a05b-4890-83f8-77540f0f388f.html>,
> Arizona Wildcat
> <http://www.wildcat.arizona.edu/article/2015/09/twitter-should-hold-politicians-accountable>,
> Nieman Lab
> <http://www.niemanlab.org/2015/09/advocacy-groups-call-on-twitter-to-restore-api-access-to-politiwoops/>,
> Nos
> <http://nos.nl/artikel/2055918-organisaties-vragen-twitter-in-brief-blokkade-op-politwoops-te-stoppen.html>
> --
> Deji Olukotun
> Senior Global Advocacy Manager
> Access | accessnow.org
> tel: +1 415-935-4572 | @dejiridoo
> PGP: 0x6012CDA8
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