[Okfn-ca] Fwd: [OKFN-Local-Coord] "Stop Secret Contracts" campaign - info for local groups

Diane Mercier diane.mercier at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 03:04:34 UTC 2014


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	[OKFN-Local-Coord] "Stop Secret Contracts" campaign - info for 
local groups
Date : 	Thu, 13 Feb 2014 17:54:15 +0100
De : 	Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org>
Pour : 	Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List 
<okfn-local-coord at lists.okfn.org>
Copie à : 	Theodora Middleton <theodora.middleton at okfn.org>

Hi all,

As we've mentioned, over the next few months the Open Knowledge 
Foundation is going to be running a *"Stop Secret Contracts"* campaign, 
planned to launch in the week of 24th February 2014.

Below I'm copying a brief summary of the campaign and what Open 
Knowledge Foundation Local Groups can do to support it, if they choose to!

If you're interested in publicising the campaign in your country, or in 
helping to localise it, please contact Theodora (in cc) on: 
theodora.middleton at okfn.org <mailto:theodora.middleton at okfn.org>.

We'll be in touch again soon!



*"Stop Secret Contracts" - Information for Local Groups*

Campaign Summary

"Every year millions of dollars of public money are lost to fraud, 
corruption and lining the pockets of giant corporations who fail to 
deliver on their contracts. People everywhere deserve to know who gets 
public money, so governments and private contractors can be held to 
account. Tell world leaders to stop secret contracts now."

Why this matters

Governments around the world spend over $9.5 trillion of public money 
every year on contracts to purchase goods and services for their citizens.

But often citizens do not have access to information about who gets this 
money, what was agreed and what it buys for them.

Without proper mechanisms for transparency and accountability, public 
money can be lost to fraud, bribery, corruption, waste, overcharging, 
and under-delivery by private contractors.

We believe that everyone should be able to see how money flows from the 
public purse into private hands to enable essential public interest 
advocacy, reporting and reforms.

How to support the campaign

If you'd like to help, you can:


    Share information about the campaignvia email, blogs, social media
    and other channels of the local group


    Translate/localise campaign materialsfor your language and country


    Do press or communicationsactivities around the campaign


    Engage with civil society groups or officialsabout open contracting
    in your country

If you're interested in any of these things, please contact Theodora 
Middleton <theodora.middleton at okfn.org 
<mailto:theodora.middleton at okfn.org>>. We can provide you with info and 
tips on how to get the message out, and we'd also love to hear your 
ideas for how to get this heard.

We'll be tweeting on the hashtag #StopSecretContracts, so look out for 
it near the end of the month. We'll also send you some sample tweets you 
can use if you want, and other cool stuff to share over the next few 


Jonathan Gray

Director of Policy and Ideas  | **@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>**

TheOpen Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>


Empowering through Open Knowledge

okfn.org <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN> | OKF on 
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork> |Blog 
<http://blog.okfn.org/> |Newsletter <http://okfn.org/about/newsletter>


--- Médiation par | Curation by ---
Dre Diane Mercier

@okfnca | ca.okfn.org
@_FACiL | facil.qc.ca
@MTL_DO | donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca
@carnetsDM | dianemercier.com
Webographie consolidée : 

« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

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