[Okfn-ca] Open Contracting Data Standard - Consultation sur un modèle de donnée sur les marchés publics

Diane Mercier diane.mercier at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 13:11:58 UTC 2014

Open Contracting Data Standard - Consultation sur un modèle de donnée 
sur les marchés publics

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Michael Roberts* <mich... at webfoundation.org <javascript:>>
Date: Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 4:37 PM
Subject: [public-ocds] Open Contracting Data Standard - Draft Data Model
To: publi... at webfoundation.org <javascript:>


This is the first release of the Open Contracting Data Standard for 
broad consultation. In this release we would like to present our draft 
Data Model for Public Procurement. It presents a high-level overview of 
the structure of the Data Standard. This version has been designed for 
public procurement contracts.

The purpose of this consultation is to obtain feedback from the Open 
Contracting community on this draft Data Model before creating specific 
field names, reference lists, and file formats.

You can find links to the Data Model document here: 
http:ocds.open-contracting.org/standard/ <http://contracting.org/standard/>

You can share your comments in two ways:


    inline comments on the document; and


    the OCDS mailing list - if you have more general comments that don't
    fit well as inline comments,, then please do join our mailing list
    start a discussion with your thoughts.

During the consultation process the document will be continually updated 
as comments are received until July 15, 2014.

Throughout this document there are specific questions for consultation 
included, but you are not limited to responding to these questions, we 
welcome all input you can offer.

The Open Contracting Data Standard is a core product of the Open 
Contracting Partnership (OCP) <http://www.open-contracting.org/>. 
Version 1.0 of the standard is being developed for the OCP by the World 
Wide Web Foundation <http://www.webfoundation.org/>, through a project 
supported by TheOmidyar Network <http://www.omidyar.com/>and the World 
Bank <http://www.worldbank.org/> ».


Michael Roberts
Open Data Technical Manager
@michaeloroberts | mich... at webfoundation.org <javascript:>
World Wide Web Foundation | 1110 Vermont Ave NW, Suite 500, Washington 
DC, 20005, USA | www.webfoundation.org <http://www.webfoundation.org> | 
Twitter: @webfoundation

--- Médiation par | Curation by ---
Dre Diane Mercier
Ph.D. en sciences de l'information

@okfnca | ca.okfn.org
@MTL_DO | donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca
@carnetsDM | dianemercier.com

Webographie du libre : 
Pearltrees : http://www.pearltrees.com/dianemercier
« Pas de données ouvertes, sans logiciel libre ni formats ouverts »

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