[okfn-discuss] okfn irc channel + having a coordination meeting via irc

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Oct 27 10:20:46 UTC 2006

Dear All,

Jo has been kind enough to register the channel #okfn on oftc.net so we 
now have a dedicated irc location for open knowledge chat.

One immediate use for this would be to hold a OKFN coordination meeting 
to discuss what people are up to, sysadmin stuff, etc etc. What date and 
time would be good for people? My suggestion for time would be 1900 UK 
time but regarding date I'm pretty flexible, though some time soon, say 
in the next week or two would be good. In the spirit of having something 
concrete down what about:

   * Tuesday 31st October (next tuesday)
   * Saturday 4th November (saturday week)



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