[okfn-discuss] open shakespeare v0.3
Rufus Pollock
rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Sep 28 09:31:53 UTC 2006
I've been working quite a bit on a new version (0.3) of open
shakespeare. I've activated:
and have it serving the open shakespeare web interface (in the next
iteration plan to develop this into a proper project website with a
wordpress install and have the web interface at demo.openshakespeare.org).
Main improvement is the mutiviews which you can see a demonstration of
by visiting:
Which will show the Gutenberg normal and folio editions of Othello side
by side.
There is also now an open shakespeare project page on the OKFN website
which lists in detail the purpose of the project:
The trac installation to manage the project is:
Roadmap is here:
== Changelog ==
* Can now view mutiple texts side by side (ticket:15)
* Now include moby/bosak versions of shakespeare as well as gutenberg
(ticket:10) (though more work remains to be done to process these
versions to plaintext and html)
* Fix bug whereby we were missing some of the available gutenberg
texts (ticket:18)
* Install the shakespeare python package (ticket:16)
* Move to py.test from unittest
== Outstanding Issues ==
0. Would it better with the multiviews to stack views horizontally
rather than vertically (with the horizontal view parts of a line are
often cut off)
1. Several of the source texts seem to break the viewer due kid (the
templating system) complaining about about 'not well-formed (invalid
token) xml'. Any help in tracking this down would be very useful
2. Need to have more information on the front page about the interface,
* information about viewing in different formats (e.g. you can view
the raw version of a text by appending ?format=raw to the url and to get
line numbers do ?format=lineno)
* information about the multiview (concatenate ids using +)
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