[okfn-discuss] The Bank of Common Knowledge - Cambridge

Olivier Schulbaum olivierschulbaum at platoniq.net
Wed Apr 11 14:09:35 UTC 2007

Hi All, Hola a tod at s
sorry for Xpostings:

This is a short announcement and call for colaboration to an  
experimental project dealing with the implementation of open-source  
ethics in knowledge transmission process which will be set up and  
tested in Cambridge these days. The project is called:
The Bank of Common Knowledge, a collective platform for Knowledge  
exchange and mutual education

Some of you allready know about it (we announced it at the  
limehouse's OK event), some don't.

For those who don't like reading announcement and large texts, check  
the short video documentation on the processes and policies of the  
project here:
For the others, just go on reading...

About us
Platoniq is a barcelona based group of cultural producers and  
software developers who from the mix of their computer-technical  
knowledge and social interests have set up a number of independant  
community media projects dealing with free culture, social software  
and network strategies for public spaces.

About BCK

The Bank of Common Knowledge is an open source model of knowledge  
transfer, a laboratory for trying out new ways of education,  
organisation and distribution, inventing knowledge exchange and  
different ways to diffuse production into the public space.

During four weeks, from 18th of April to mid may, the Wysing arts  
Center Cambridge in Mill road will serve as basecamp for the project,  
where people are invited to register interest in the project, to  
request new knowledge, for example – ‘I wish to learn a new skill’  
and ‘the knowledge I can offer in exchange are ….’

Demands and offers are then satisfied during the exhibition itself,  
with seminars, demonstrations, lectures, workshops, micro task  
groups, as well as radio and music performances dealing with issues  
such as health, technology and communication, alternative economies,  
civil and human rights, public space use or any knowledge to make  
life easier and more autonomous.


Thursday 19th of April:
Opening. Social Tagging.
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Saturday 21st of April:
Working session – open education special
Join our open debate on self institution and open economy with  
members of the University of Openness, Open Knowledge Foundation and BCK
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Saturday 28th of April:
Working session – Copyleft music and self distribution special.
Join the workshops by net music activists Interdisco and netaudio  
In collaboration with Enter_ Festival and the Block Boosters project.
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Saturday 5th of May:
CAMBRIDGE free knowledge market
A wide range of experts, professional citizens and useful archives  
will be assembled to set up a market in which professionals and  
amateurs will be able to barter their accumulated knowledge and  
experience as a result of the BCK’s activities in Cambridge.
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

We could arrange travel from London to Cambridge although our budget  
is very tight

Have a look at the website for complete info:
We stronlgy recomend to check the knowledge's audiovisual capsules  
produced in Barcelona during the first pilot stage of the project  
which help understanding what this is all about :

You are very welcome to participate and send us or recomend us  
manuals (text, audio, video), reports of similar experiences and  
other DIY o Printed material.
Drop an email to:
olivierschulbaum at platoniq.net

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