[okfn-discuss] Submitting comments to the Library of Congress?

Luis Villa luis at tieguy.org
Thu Dec 13 13:13:55 UTC 2007

On Dec 13, 2007 5:09 AM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> Just to update everyone: thanks to Aaron's efforts we've now got a final
> version of the response at:
>    http://okfn.org/wiki/FutureOfBibliographicControl
> It's now nice and short so please do take a look and sign if you're
> happy to (and please circulate to anyone else who might be interested).
> It needs to be submitted tomorrow (Friday) so you'll want to do this
> sooner rather than later :)

Suggested edits (there are so many, and some so substantive, I didn't
want to make them in the wiki without running them by people first):

style edits:
* 'including people from' -> 'including representatives from'
* 'access and re-use without restriction.' -> 'unrestricted access and re-use'
* 'access, re-use and re-distribution without restriction.' ->
'unrestricted access, re-use and re-distribution'
* 'simpler feedback' -> 'unimpeded feedback'
* 'but will also' -> 'but it will also'
* 'as well as many other possibilities we cannot predict in advance.'
-> 'and many other benefits that can't be predicted in advance.'

content changing edits:
* add links for Open Access Journals/Open Educational resources/Open
Data; at least to the relevant Wikipedia articles if nothing else.
* 'incredible rise in community-led development and innovative uses.'
-> 'incredible increase in innovative development, contribution, and
use by communities, corporations, and governments'
* 'that more bibliographic data' -> 'that all bibliographic data' or
'that bibliographic data'

Blowing up the very long second sentence of the third paragraph,
structurally and some content:

"Not only will this allow libraries to share records more efficiently
and improve quality more rapidly through better, simpler feedback, but
will also make possible more advanced online sites for book-lovers,
easier analysis by social scientists, interesting visualizations and
summary statistics by journalists and others, as well as many other
possibilities we cannot predict in advance."


"This would have many predictable benefits: efficient record-sharing
and high-quality feedback for libraries, more advanced online sites
for students and book lovers, and better analysis and visualizations
by social scientists. Perhaps more importantly, increasing openness
always leads to benefits that can't be predicted ahead of time, since
it radically increases the number of people who can experiment and
innovate to fulfill their own serious needs and creative whims."

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