[okfn-discuss] Reminder (Tonight): Next okfn monthly irc meeting: February 2007

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Feb 8 11:28:41 UTC 2007

Jo Walsh wrote:
> dear all, 
> my humblest apologies for missing the call/chat. ironically this was
> because i'd triple booked myself into an RL meeting about
> archiving/queueing voice collaboration and conferencing systems with
> simultaneous IRC/IM annotation, and also a very awkward date.

No problem, Jo -- though of course it's always great to have you there.

> I hope it was a good session and wish i could listen to the aftermath
> via OKFN radio. 

I've posted the irc log on:


(As quite a few people had to leave pretty promptly we didn't actually 
do the project update section so we'll do that on list)

> Ihm really pleased with the final speaker lineup for the open geo
> panel - Ed Parsons, Steve Coast and Charles Arthur should be an
> interesting triad with a lot to say to one another.

Yes the whole programme is excellent.

> Do let me know when a final lineup/writeup is avail that i can route
> to geo policy lists, ORA people, etc, and how i can help with that in
> short bursts.

There's a 'finalish' announce notice that you can use to post around on:


It would be good to notify any lists that don't know already and Saul 
suggested we'd do a repost two weeks before the event (so around the 5th 
of march).



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