[okfn-discuss] Project updates: Public Domain Works Database

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Mar 15 19:19:32 UTC 2007

As per my previous email here is the first of a series of updates on 
projects we are involved in.


## Public Domain Works: Active

The Public Domain Works database is an open registry of artistic works 
that are in the public domain.

project url:  http://www.publicdomainworks.net/
okfn url: http://www.okfn.org/pdw/

   * Initially a joint project with Free Culture UK
   * Continuing activity on the project over the last six months
   * Main job consists of locating data, processing it and storing it
   * Once we have sufficient data attention will start to focus on 
'burning' public domain recordings
   * Open Rights Group (ORG) have just joined as a new partner and we 
are looking to find other organizations who would be interested in 

### Help Wanted

All kinds, see:


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