[okfn-discuss] Project updates: Open Economics

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Mar 29 14:36:08 UTC 2007

## Open Economics

*Open* economic data storage and visualization and web services plus 
assorted modelling code.

demo url: http://econ.dev.okfn.org/
project url: http://www.knowledgeforge.net/project/econ/

See it in action:

   * http://econ.dev.okfn.org/current_value/ -- value of a pound/dollar 
from 1900 today
   * http://econ.dev.okfn.org/store/ -- data store browser with 
javascript graphing

Background: the project was started as a piece of research into what a 
combined knowledge package would look like. At present consists of 3 

   1. Python library for building economics models
   2. A set of data (under trunk/data)
   3. A web interface for access the data store, visualizing the data 
and providing various simple services

### Metadata

   * Started: 2004-11
   * Site goes live: 2006-05
   * Status: Active

### Help Wanted

   * Uploading and creating data
   * Improving code (python)
   * Setting up a project blog/website
   * Improving web frontend to services and data store

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