[okfn-discuss] Couple of recent posts that might interest the list

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Sep 19 15:23:32 UTC 2007

Just thought I'd make the list aware of a couple of recent blog posts 
(after all not everyone follows the RSS feed).

The first, put out last week, was to announce the first draft of the 
Open Service Definition:


There are still plenty of details to fix but thanks to the discussions 
here over the last couple of months what we've got there already is 
fairly solid.

The second post, put up yesterday, was the text of the presentation I 
gave on Monday in London, at the Society for Computers and the Law "Law 
2.0?" conference. The talk went under the title of Openness, Web 2.0 and 
the Ethic of Sharing and tried to give a succinct overview of the ways 
open knowledge can benefit society:




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