[okfn-discuss] Reminder (TODAY): April 2008 monthly irc meeting: Thursday 17th April 2008 at 1900 BST (1800 GMT)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Apr 17 14:06:52 UTC 2008

Having heard no objections the irc meeting is on for today starting at 
7pm BST (6pm GMT) on #okfn on irc.oftc.net. Look forward to seeing 
people then.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: April 2008 monthly irc meeting: Thursday 17th April 2008 at 
1900 BST (1800 GMT)
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 13:09:32 +0100
From: Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>
To: okfn-discuss <okfn-discuss at lists.okfn.org>

I propose we have our next monthly irc meeting this Thursday (17th
April) at 1900 BST (1800 GMT). If this is a problem for people (it is
rather late notice!) we could shift it to next Wednesday so please *do*
speak up if you can't make this week but could make next.

Details and agenda can be found at:


I've also included the current version below for convenience. Please add
to it/amend it as necessary.



== Where and When ==

   * When: Thursday 17th April 2008 at 1900 BST (1800 GMT)
   * Where: #okfn irc channel on oftc.net

== Agenda ==

   * OKCon -- post event updates
   * CKAN: updates + another package party
   * Open Shakespeare and Open Milton: update + discussion
   * Local Open Knowledge Groups: update and plans
   * Open Economics: update

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