[okfn-discuss] Open Knowledge Meetup in Cambridge and Open Knowledge Talk at Oxford Geek Night

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Jan 29 11:53:13 UTC 2008

In case there are interested parties who aren't already on the 
ok-cam-announce mailing list below is thhe announce for an upcoming 
'Open Knowledge Meetup' in Cambridge (February 13th).

A week before that, on Wednesday the 6th of February, we're also doing a 
talk (myself along with OKFN volunteer Nate Olson) at the Oxford Geek Night:


If there's anyone in the Oxford area who would like to meet up that 
would be great -- please get in contact either on or off list.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ok-cam-announce] Cambridge Open Knowledge Meetup: 7pm 13th 
February 2008 at Emmanuel College
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:36:21 +0000
To: ok-cam-announce at lists.okfn.org

## Cambridge Open Knowledge Meetup

when: Wednesday 13th February 2008, 1900-2100
where: Harrods Room, Emmanuel College, Cambridge

### More Information

Are you interested in the social, legal and technological issues related 
to Open Knowledge? Ever wondered about how things like "Open Access" and 
"Open Source" could be relevant to you. If so come along to the 
"Cambridge Open Knowledge Meetup" to hear about recent developments, 
discuss the legal and licensing issues, and debate the practicalities of 
open approaches to knowledge "production".

The focus at these events is on open discussion though we do start out 
with some (brief) presentations. At this first event we'll be hearing from:

* Rufus Pollock, Emmanuel College and the Open Knowledge Foundation - on 
discovering and installing open knowledge packages using CKAN.

* Francis Irving of PublicWhip.org and mySociety - on freeing Government 
data, and travel-time maps.

* Jim Downing of the Unilever Cambridge Centre for Molecular Informatics 
- on Open Source and Open Acces in Chemistry.

Generally, the programme is quite flexible so if you'd like to give a 
brief talk or update on something you've been working on or thinking 
about please just write to us and we can try and slot you in.

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ok-cam-announce at lists.okfn.org

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