[okfn-discuss] Ideas for OKCon 2010?

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Mon Sep 21 19:01:08 UTC 2009

Just a quick note to say these look fantastic! Many thanks for your
efforts. We've now got so many great logos we should probably have a
vote on which one to use...


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Claudia Mueller-Birn <clmb at cs.cmu.edu> wrote:
> Hi Rufus, hi Jose,
> I just uploaded my versions for the logo.
> http://wiki.okfn.org/okcon/logo
> Okay, I just realized, that the year should be 2010. :-) However, it
> can be quickly changed. What is about the colors? Are there any
> restrictions? Should it be green? Then it is more closely to the OKF
> logo. If yes, what are the RGB values? That is an even more important
> question: how closely should be the conference logo to the OK logo (http://avatar.identi.ca/19135-96-20080804142209.png)?
> Thanks.
> Kind regards, Claudia
> Am Sep 21, 2009 um 3:33 AM schrieb Rufus Pollock:
>> Jose,
>> These are great. As per Claudia suggestions I've created a page on the
>> wiki (anyone can edit btw) and put them up there:
>> <http://wiki.okfn.org/okcon/logo>
>> My 2 cents: I think it would be nice for "O" in lightbulb to be more
>> "O" like (e.g. like the O in Open) -- this would make the link even
>> clearer. I like the greening of the "o" but think you'd only want it
>> in the O below the lightbulb and in the O of Open (not in the other
>> two "o"s).
>> Once again: these are great and thanks for contributing them!
>> Regards,
>> Rufus
>> 2009/9/4 Jose Leal <jose.leal at wikidomo.com>:
>>> Hello Claudia,
>>> I have been following this list for some time. I have not yet had
>>> an opportunity to contribute, but found myself unable to resist
>>> sending you these ideas for the OKCON logo. It's rough, but I could
>>> not get it out of my mind...so figured better to send it to you
>>> then to have it bounce around in there :)
>>> I hope it at least gives you other ideas - good luck!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jose Leal
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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