[okfn-discuss] A cautionary tale: on the demise of verifiable.com

Mr. Puneet Kishor punkish at eidesis.org
Mon Dec 27 14:05:24 UTC 2010

William Waites wrote:
> via danbri:
> http://stuartroseman.com/post/619953720/out-with-the-old-business-in-with-the-new

Possibly taken out of context, but, "We started the project for all the 
wrong reasons. We wanted to save the world. We wanted to provide a new 
technology that would allow people to have easy access to facts and data 
to back up their conclusions. We saw that this didn’t yet exist in a 
easy to use format."

huh! Those are precisely the reasons I am working on what I am working 
on... I don't see any "burning husks of cars along the roadway," so, 
even though I am far from a "good driver," I am assuming no one has 
driven this way, not that "driving there is dangerous." While they don't 
guarantee success, those are very laudable reasons to work on something.

On the other hand, "sanebox," the new venture that is replacing the 
failed venture purportedly serves "a need actual people have RIGHT NOW." 
Different strokes for different folks, but I don't have "over loaded 
Inboxes." I am already paranoid about the Goog looking through my 
emails, and although I realize that "Internet", "email" and "privacy" 
are mutually exclusive concepts, I am darned if I am going to give some 
other web site access to my email, even if it is only the headers.

Besides, wait a minute, didn't Google already implement this 
"prioritization" of emails within gmail? I distinctly remember turning 
on something in Gmail Labs settings, having their software wrongly 
prioritize emails for me for about a week, then turning that off as it 
was bugging the crap out of me. Look, a husk of a burning car...

Puneet Kishor

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