[okfn-discuss] comparison of project hosting including knowledgeforge

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Feb 3 12:21:25 UTC 2010

I think it would definitely be worth trying to contact Andrew Dalke
directly and talk to him more.

One thing to emphasize is that unlike many of the other products
considered, a lot of effort goes into making KForge good software in
its own right (rather than being heavily tied to the one specific
install such as knowledgeforge.net). In particular its easy to install
KForge yourself so that you don't have to use our particular KForge
service (http://knowledgeforge.net). As such the number of users
Knowledgeforge.net is likely to be lower because people can run their
own autonomous instance!

I also think it would be worth trying to start getting better stats on
exactly how many deployed instances are out there :)



On 2 February 2010 16:16, John Bywater
<john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net> wrote:
> James Casbon wrote:
>> Here is Andrew Dalke's take on project hosting:
>> http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/archive/2010/01/30/project_hosting_options.html
>> You will notice that knowledgeforge makes it to the last 2, but 'I
> Exciting!
>> looked at KnowledgeForge and while it seems to fit my requirements,
>> there aren't many people using it, although others may be using the
>> underlying KForge application to host their own system. My concern is
>> that the rough edges wouldn't have been worn down by other users.'
> They're getting worn down. :-)
> http://knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/timeline
> http://knowledgeforge.net/domainmodel/trac/timeline
> J.

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