[okfn-discuss] Major upgrade of ckan.net

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Jan 18 14:49:56 UTC 2010

2010/1/13 Jo Walsh <jo at frot.org>:
> Been speculating about how to introduce an easily-usable location
> element into CKAN. Notes are here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Location_in_CKAN

Just read through this in detail and really like this idea. As you
suggest I think we could start with a single simple location field.

> Contemplating a plugin to make the value in a key-value pair poll a
> gazetteer search service and suggest links to places, allowing
> multiple links per CKAN package. The largest and smallest places in
> the list would imply a scope for spatial search and relations to other
> data sets with a similar scope.

I think this would be really nice. Plugins relating to specific set of
metadata seem a really nice way to go -- in fact its something we've
been talking about for a while (I think you first suggested something
along these lines a couple of years ago ;) )

I don't want to get too technical but basic thing here seems to
specify a set of field names a given plugin handles and then to have a
way for plugins to be registered with ckan core and then loaded on

I think it wouldn't be much more than a day or two (and maybe just a
couple of hours) to mock a basic implementation of a functioning
geodata plugin.

> Jonny also mentioned an internationalisation effort, with German and
> Canadian instances of CKAN in the offing - that would also be really
> great.

German instance is here: http://de.ckan.net/ and is being overseen by
Daniel Dietrich who's also helping us start an OKFN Germany chapter.



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