[okfn-discuss] New Developments in Governance: Membership and Coordination Group

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jun 23 09:45:57 UTC 2010

I'm writing to let everyone know that we now have:

a) A clear definition of membership with a proper process for
individuals to affiliate themselves as a member (and clear statement
that *anyone* may do so):

  * <http://www.okfn.org/governance#Membership>
  * <http://wiki.okfn.org/OKFN_Member_Howto>
  * If you'd like to affiliate yourself as a member you can do so now
by following instructions in the howto

b) A well-defined and operational Coordination Group (aka Projects Committee)

  * <http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/coord/>
  * Organized around an open mailing list anyone is welcome to join
  * First coord group meeting last week:

This is a big step towards the clearer structure and governance
previously discussed in detail last November:


Comments and suggestions are, as ever, very welcome.


Rufus Pollock
On behalf of the Board and the Coordination Group

### Background

Earlier discussion on governance etc starting last November:

(Also: <http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-discuss/2009-October/006905.html>)

We've now largely completed the process started by the discussion of
vision last July:


1. We've developed a vision document: <http://www.okfn.org/vision/>
(which I hope will see regular revision)

2. We've developed a clearer structure and governance system, in
particular by having an explicit member list and process for becoming
a member and having a defined Coordination Group.

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