[okfn-discuss] Code of Conduct / Community guidelines for the OKF

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Fri Nov 12 15:19:08 UTC 2010

>> Community Code of Conduct.
>> We already have some text along these lines in the
>> <http://okfn.org/governance/>  document (excerpted below).

>> Ubuntu Code of Conduct:<http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct>
>> Anyone have thoughts, suggestions or opinions here?

I think the existing text on the governance page already covers the same 
ground as the Ubuntu text (Tolerance, Open Discussion, Meritocracy). 
Maybe a "Collaboration" section would be useful, if that's not already 
taken for granted.

Important to make sure OKF's work always reflects these commitments 
(Open Discussion, particularly) and I'm glad to see some overlap with 
the issues I'm attempting to describe on the okfn-governance list;
keeping OKF "open and decentralised" in accordance with this guiding 
philosophy, as the Foundation rapidly expands its activities:

>> Open Discussion
>> Open discussion allows the most promising ideas to come to the fore,
>> and for decisions to be reached on a consensus basis.

>> Meritocracy
>> our governance structure is simply there to
>> ensure that there is a solid institutional framework to support these
>> activities.
>> Tolerance
>> Differences are recognised as a creative force

good luck,


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