[okfn-discuss] Code of Conduct / Community guidelines for the OKF

Alex Ball a.ball at ukoln.ac.uk
Mon Nov 15 13:21:42 UTC 2010

On Friday 12 November 2010 14:35:28 Rufus Pollock wrote:
> I've also been looking at the excellent Ubuntu Code of
> Conduct:<http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct> and wondered if we
> should merge some of this in.

The paragraph on being respectful is somewhat elaborated upon and generalized  
in the OpenRespect Declaration (written by the Ubuntu Community Manager):

It closely aligns with the 'Tolerance' paragraph of the Governance document 
(but in greater detail), and has the advantage of not having a share-alike 
licence attached.


Alex Ball
Research Officer
UKOLN, University of Bath, UK. BA2 7AY
T: +44 1225 383668  F: +44 1225 386838

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