[okfn-discuss] Fwd: Datapkg 0.7b released

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Oct 15 13:53:15 UTC 2010

On 15 October 2010 14:45, Mr. Puneet Kishor <punkish at eidesis.org> wrote:
> Congratulations on the software release.
> Might it be worthwhile creating a separate list for discussing software installs? That way this list can focus on licensing/institutional/organizational issues, general announcements, ideas, and such.

Totally agree, Puneet and apologies to you and other list members
who've got OT emails about broken easy_install!

I think the problem here was that the thread started off general and
then got specific (my bad for not indicating that feedback re
brokenness should be offlist).

For those interested in further detailed discussion of datapkg please
join the okfn-help list:
<http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-help> (a misnamed list
that will probably soon become okfn-dev!).



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