[okfn-discuss] "Inventare il Futuro" Contest

James Harriman-Smith open-shakespeare at okfn.org
Tue Jul 12 14:28:59 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I've been looking over the details of this competition on 'Inventing the
Future', calling for "innovative ideas involving new technologies which
could contribute to improving the quality of civil and social life"

> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inventare-il-Futuro-Un-Concorso-per-Giovani-Idee/221824417827746
> http://www.unibo.it/inventarefuturo/en/partecipa.html
Entries must be either individually or in groups of four. Open Shakespeare
fits the call pretty well, and I thought the idea could be:

**Allowing internet users to replicate their reading patterns online: making
annotation and anthologies, and sharing them with their friends.**

Usefully, Open Shakespeare is already halfway there so could act as the
demonstration that they seem to want. There are only two problems:
- I do not want to enter individually, when so much of Open Shakespeare is
collaborative; but if I enter as part of a group, I must name only three
other people, all of whom must be under 30 and previously enrolled in a
European university.
- They ask for " A document of max. 2 pages which describes in detail the
technological components to be used and underlines the innovative feature",
which I am not capable of writing.

Does anyone want to work with me on this? The price is anything up to 7

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