[okfn-discuss] RFI: OKF accounts with the UK government

Tony Bowden tony at mysociety.org
Thu Jul 21 12:20:43 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> I don't think we should have an OKF-WDTK as I expect the number of questions
> to be small.

WDTK are often willing to add bodies who aren't subject to FOI, but
which the team there think should be, or who voluntarily agree to
answer requests as if they were subject.

See, for example

If OKF asked to be added to that list it could be quite interesting.


I'm one of the WDTK team, but I'm not speaking for the team here, and
haven't discussed this with anyone else on the team.

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