[okfn-discuss] New flyer for OKF

Luis Villa luis at tieguy.org
Tue Mar 22 17:54:04 UTC 2011

Great start! Might be more effective if the back had some concrete
examples and not just the slogans?

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was sitting (sans wifi) on the train earlier trying to think about
> how we could really simplify, boil down and crystallise what the OKF
> is about. I wanted to do this so that it is easier to explain to
> people what we're about - and to give us focus in what we are doing.
> The one sentence pitch!
> I concluded that there is not much that we do that can't - broadly
> speaking - be lumped under either:
>  * 'tools' (CKAN, Public Domain Works, Annotator, Open Literature...)
>  * or 'community' (events, competitions, hackdays, IRC, mailing
> lists, working groups, blog, annotation sprints, etc).
> And the *main* motivating idea is the 'ecosystem' or 'commons' of
> information/content/data/knowledge.
> Hence: "We work to build tools and communities around an open
> knowledge commons that everyone is free to use, enjoy and share."
> Then I tried to capture these two main ideas in logos for 'tools' and
> 'communities' based on the colourful bubbles that seems to be becoming
> our house style. I created a basic flyer out of this:
> Front: http://www.flickr.com/photos/okfn/5550671746/
> Back: http://www.flickr.com/photos/okfn/5550671744/
> Second (slightly more crowded) alternative for front:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/okfn/5550734094/
> I'd like to get something like this printed out as a nice double-sided
> square flyer ASAP. The 'Please Share Me' refers to both open knowledge
> - and to the physical flyer, which I intend to leave in relevant
> places on my travels (on noticeboards, in hacker spaces, etc).
> What do people think? Good, bad, ugly? ;-)
> J.
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Community Coordinator
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://blog.okfn.org
> http://twitter.com/jwyg
> http://identi.ca/jwyg
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