[okfn-discuss] very early 'Live Participation Map' - who would like to experiment with it?

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Tue Nov 22 11:00:06 UTC 2011

Hi Elf,

Great work during the Hackday, I would love to have a look at:

http://demo.hackers4peace.net/ <http://demo.hackers4peace.net/>

but it's frozen for me, any chance you can take a look?


On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 4:49 AM, elf Pavlik
<perpetual-tripper at wwelves.org>wrote:

> Hello,
> Today I during our little 'Hack Day' I started working on a map with live
> visualization of participation in work. So far I have it in a very early
> stage but if some of you could prepare to experiment with it, this would
> help me with moving it forward =)
> As for today you can see it here: http://demo.hackers4peace.net/
> Please don't get disappointment that you won't see anything first.
> Currently it keeps no state so you will see something once starting playing
> with it yourself, and more if others happen to change their statuses while
> you had the page open. It works by using XMPP so you will need an account.
> For those of you who happen to not have one yet you can shortly crate on
> here: http://www.jabber.org for client you can use cross platform
> http://pidgin.im (ubuntu has Empathy installed by default and some people
> use 'Adium' on mac) You can try using your gtalk but I don't see much
> adventage in making this world Google centric ;)
> Last part you need to add 'statusbot at hackers4peace.net' to your contacts
> which will automatically reply with request to subscribe to your presence,
> please accept this request. Ok now you can fully participate in
> experimenting with this map! =)
> Looking at http://demo.hackers4peace.net in your browser try changing
> your status message in your XMPP client, at this moment you may also want
> in this XMPP client to configure your profile with avatar image and just
> your current city.
> If you on monday will keep this page open for longer time, possibly you
> should see more people appearing as others add 'statusbot' to their
> contacts and play with their status messages. In next step I will add
> keeping state on the server so as soon as you open the page you will see
> everyone else online. Than I want to add tags like lets say #okf/ckan/482
> which we can add to our status messages to tag what we work on.
> Most likely not next week but at some point I would like to throw in a
> 'playback' future where we could see visualized who, where, have worked on
> what =)
> But for now just seeing current state our distributed community working
> together should make interesting visualization...
> Please consider taking 5-10min time to setup this XMPP (jabber) account,
> this way you may also have a taste of 'federated networking' where you
> control your basic data and let other services subscribe to it, as well as
> don't need to go to 50 places to update your avatar or current location ;)
> Besides that using client application of your choice, even including web
> based XMPP clients like http://jappix.com
> If you still find this email confusing please wait a little for some
> simpler and more visual information about it ;)
> Good night... finally...
> ZZZzzz...
> ~ elf Pavlik ~
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Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
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