[okfn-discuss] Fwd: Data Intensive Science - Request for Ideas with Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Daniel Mietchen daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 8 20:51:28 UTC 2011

"The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Science Program is seeking
the community's feedback on where to invest in the area of
data-intensive science."


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Waard, Anita de A (ELS-AMS) <A.dewaard at elsevier.com>
Date: Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:55 PM
Subject: Data Intensive Science Request for Ideas with Gordon and
Betty Moore Foundation
To: forcnet at googlegroups.com, beyond-the-pdf at googlegroups.com

Might be of interest? Apologies for double postings.


Data Intensive Science Request for Ideas

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Science Program is seeking the
community's feedback on where to invest in the area of data-intensive
science. We would appreciate your good ideas, and your thoughts on
other's ideas, from now through the middle of September, 2011. The
Science Program will review these ideas and incorporate them into this
year's strategic planning.

The increasing volume and complexity of scientific data are
overwhelming current research practices, and create additional
barriers to an already challenged science infrastructure, workforce
and funding landscape. Many agencies and foundations are looking at
ways to best combat the growing wave of challenges caused by today’s
data deluge, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s RFI on Data
Intensive Science is intended to add to this growing body of thinking.
This RFI is being conducted in the open and for the benefit of anyone
looking to navigate these areas. The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Science Program only funds natural and applied science research, we
request that ideas related to domain specific challenges stay within
these fields.

We welcome your participation in this effort. The intention in 2011 is
to create a focused strategy in data-intensive science that strongly
complements funding by government agencies, other foundations and
private industry. We are leaving the definition of "data-intensive
science" open, except to say that it is not intended to encompass "big
data" exclusively.

To submit an idea, please go to http://dis.ideascale.com/, sign up,
and enter your idea.

Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677 (The Netherlands)

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