[okfn-discuss] IRC logs

Nick Stenning nick at whiteink.com
Wed Feb 15 18:27:48 UTC 2012

Hi all,

While setting up some (hopefully useful) redirects at
http://irc.okfn.org [1], I've noticed that someone has set up IRC
logging for #okfn, #openspending and #ckan.

Can that person please consider either

a) not doing any logging at all

b) protecting the logs, which are publicly available at an address I'm
not going to link to, and which contain hostnames and other
personally-identifiable data

c) redacting the hostname data from the logs before they are published

I would be overwhelmingly in favour of solution a), as we already have
public mailing lists, and there is value in having a public space for
discussion which is not logged, but am willing to be convinced.


[1]: see trac.okfn.org/ticket/379 for details

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