[okfn-discuss] Discrepancies in register of interests

Jilly Mathews jilly.mathews at okfn.org
Tue Jul 3 14:04:31 UTC 2012


This is all very well. But the data needs to be completely open licensed to
be able to be published. Creative Commons is the most regularly used.
opendatahandbook.org  You have to be very careful and check all this first
before releasing any of it publically. We have tools that can take the
data, if you are confident it is supposed to be for open release. Many
government publications are not open when they look as if they are. You
have to be very careful.

Best wishes


On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 12:40 AM, <biz.pleasure at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> I don't know enough about European law to know whether or not the
> following is important but:
> 1/ I have lists of MEPS who are members of the American Legislative
> Exchange Council
> 2/ I have names and dates of attendance at ALEC conferences in the US
> 3/ I have agendas and resolutions passed
> 4/ I have registers of interests none of which, contrary to the code of
> conduct, list the membership
> 5/ I have evidence of a mailing list sending out information to UK and
> European parliament
> 6/ I have evidence that explicitly links one of the EU Groups
> 7/ I have evidence that the contacts between ALEC and at least one MEP
> goes back over 10 years
> 8/ I have evidence that they are lobbying on behalf of Phillip Morris and
> others
> 9/ I have evidence that several of the MEPs are members of the finance and
> / or auditing bodies of the European parliament
> 10/ I have no idea whether this is actually indicative of anything more
> than my lack of knowledge of how things work
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