[okfn-discuss] WebGL (Was: Re: Hello! :-))

Hector Vergara R. hvergara at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 14:30:08 UTC 2012


Also there's some experiments and libraries from Nicolas García Belmonte,
who created the Javascript InfoViz Toolkit (jit) and now he's developing
PhiloGL (http://philogb.github.com/philogl).

See some cool dataviz examples on http://philogb.github.com/

People from Vizzuality (http://vizzuality.com/) also has some experiments
w/ dataviz using WebGL for mapping

Best, Héctor.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Ben O'Steen <bosteen at gmail.com> wrote:

> http://glsl.heroku.com is a nice sandbox for testing and playing with
> glsl shaders and effects. There is a lot you can do with CSS3, and it may
> be enough for many visualisations.
> (A potentially useful side-effect of learning WebGL is that it is quite
> similar to OpenGL ES 2.0, which is common on phone/mobile hardware and also
> implemented by the RaspberryPi.)
> Ben
> On Thursday, 12 July 2012, Vitor Baptista wrote:
>> (moving to okfn-labs)
>> Hey,
>> 2012/7/11 elf Pavlik <perpetual-tripper at wwelves.org>
>>> RoR, js, c++ sounds nice! since you have mentioned visualisation i
>>> wonder if you have any xp with WebGL?
>>> but maybe we should move such conversation to okfn-labs ;)
>> I haven't played with WebGL yet. I've seen some interesting demos, but
>> none for data visualisation. Has someone done anything with it? And/or know
>> a cool vis? :-)
>> I feel that there's so much you can do with CSS3 that only the most funky
>> visualisations will need to rely on WebGL.
>> Cheers!
>> Vítor.
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Hector Vergara Reinoso
hvergara [at] gmail.com
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