[okfn-discuss] OKFN & Environment Data

James Smith james at floppy.org.uk
Fri Oct 5 11:17:18 UTC 2012

Hi everyone, 

If you saw James Cameron or Hans Rosling's speeches at OKFestival, you'll have heard them both call for Open Data to tackle environmental problems, particularly around opening up emissions data and so on.

There is a huge list of things that could be done, from opening up environmental methodologies (AMEE recently opened their datasets, for example), to improving scientific climate data, to national emissions reporting, to visualisation, and there are some things going on in all these areas already.

I know a few people have been talking about maybe doing some of this within OKFN, but I thought I'd try to pull the conversation together so we can all work together instead of stepping on each others' toes! 

So, who's interested in this sort of thing, and what would you be interested in doing? Are you already doing it? Are there parts that are more or less appropriate for OKFN's mission? What fits, and what should be handled elsewhere?

We can discuss here initially, but could then move to a smaller list; there are some fairly dormant-seeming OKFN WGs and lists that might be relevant homes for the conversation, and we also have the cleanweb-uk list which is full of people interested in this sort of thing (see http://cleanweb.org.uk).


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