[okfn-discuss] Request for help: OKFestival Bulletin and Calls for Participation

Kat Braybrooke kat.braybrooke at okfn.org
Wed Sep 5 11:47:44 UTC 2012

Hello Open Knowledge Networks,

Here's the 2 week countdown bulletin for OKFest 2012 in Helsinki and a
request for your help!

The request: Please share the below 'Calls for Participation' with your
contacts and networks. Some of the events/ hackathons/ workshops/
receptions are almost sold-out, but some need our help with promo so that
more people sign up (such as the evening Thematic Dinners, which have just
been suggested). Let's get our own open knowledge networks more involved
with what's happening in Helsinki!

* We also have published a blog post here if you prefer a public URL for
sharing: http://blog.okfn.org/2012/09/05/okfest-2week-bulletin/
* For those who are not acquainted with OKFest yet, here's an introductory
summary: http://blog.okfn.org/2012/08/21/4-weeks-left-until-okfestival/

With many thanks,
Kat and the OKFest Organising Team

| Kat Braybrooke | London, UK
| The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
| Coordinator of OKFestival 2012 <http://okfestival.org/> & Regional
| Twitter @kat_braybrooke <http://twitter.com/kat_braybrooke> | Skype

Hello #OKFest team! Welcome to our 3rd Countdown Bulletin, a
weekly-curated, community-based summary of ticket counts, calls for
participation and planning updates to prepare us all for the festival. As
of September 3rd, 2012, we have less than *2 weeks left* until we all meet
in Helsinki, so please share the below info widely to your networks and
featured guests, and get your people signed up to the hackathon/evening

***   E V E N I N G   E V E N T S    P L A N N I N G   ***
Evening events and receptions during the OKFest week are now being
finalised, and we want you to get involved! Current events being planned
include an OKFest Welcome Reception, a Hacks & Hackers meetup <
http://okfestival.org/hackshackers/>, a craft beer festival, a Helsinki bar
hop, a Proactum Meetup for “Open Source-minded people” <
http://www.meetup.com/Proactum-Open-Meet-Up>, the Open Sauna scheme <
http://opensauna.org> and a series of Thematic Dinners based on the Harvard
Berkman Centre model. Get involved by hosting a thematic dinner or another
event at <http://okfestival.okfnpad.org/evening-programme>.

***   T I C K E T S    &    S P E A K E R S    ***
1) Current ticket count: almost 600 (incl paid, keynote and free tickets).
Let's sell 50-100 more to make this a sold-out event!
 2) Newly-confirmed keynote speakers include Phil Ashlock from OpenPlans,
Manel Sanromà from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and A’yen Tran from
Local Projects, with more being finalised in these last few weeks! <
3) Who else is coming to #OKFest 2012? Browse list of festival attendees
here: <http://okfestival.org/festival-attendees/>

***   A C T I V E   C A L L S    F O R   P A R T I C I P A T I O N   ***
1) DATA JOURNALISM HACKATHON: A day to design and build a functional news
application from open government data. Finland's biggest newspaper,
Helsingin Sanomat, invites coders, designers and journalists to its Data
Journalism Hackathon. Using data from the World Bank and other groups, you
will be able to create a working app or visualization from scratch. Space
is limited and sign ups close on Sept 10th, so please RSVP at
2) TAKE ACTION LIGHTNING TALKS: For those working to increase gender
equality and diversity, the Wikimedia Foundation is hosting TAKE ACTION, a
set of public lightning talks with 12 spots available until Mon, Sept 10th
- sign up at http://piratepad.net/TAKEACTION
3) DATA CUISINE WORKSHOP: You're invited to the world’s first open data
cuisine workshop, the "Art of Data Cooking". Send an email to
opendatacooking at pixelache.ac. Capacity is limited. Details athttp://
4) CULTURE & HERITAGE HACKATHON: Cultural Heritage and Science meet for a
joint hackathon on Tues 17th Sept. Join a Wikipedia edit-a-thon, work with
newly released datasets, develop a brand new PyBossa app or hack for Louhos
research software libraries - plus much more! All ideas welcome - if you
have a hackday activity, please share it. Limited numbers. More details and
sign-up here: http://okfestival.org/open-culture-and-science-hackday/.
5) OPEN PEER LEARNING WORKSHOP: Outside of open communities, few people
know how to apply “open” tools, practices, and standards to their work.
Creative Commons, P2PU, and the Open Knowledge Foundation will introduce
the School of Open and the School of Data, followed by a Q&A and a
hands-on, creative workshop to prototype “open” challenges and courses.
Particpants will take an "open" learning challenge and design their own in
culture, education, research, or data. More info and RSVP at:
6) OPEN DEVELOPMENT HACKATHONS: On Thurs 20th Sept, Open Dev planners will
be hosting the third event in the series of 2012 Development Data
Challenges – a hackathon. As this is an open (and free!) event, coders and
interested folk are invited to create newideas for making aid and
development data more accessible. There will also be an exciting
opportunity to hack land data, hosted by the folk at the Land Coalition,
and to join in with the Helsingin Sanomat hackathon on Fri 21 Sept. Find
out more athttp://okfestival.org/open-development/ Space is limited – email
opendevelopment at okfestival.org to RSVP.
cultural heritage stream is hosting a special event for individuals and
organisations working to open up cultural heritage data. The goal of this
session is to hear about different experiences, discuss relevant problems
and to find solutions. The room is almost full, but there is still space
for 8 additional participants. If you'd like to share your experiences and
learn from others, please get in touch with joris.pekel at okfn.org. For more
info see: http://okfestival.org/building-the-cultural-commons/
8) OPEN TRANSPORT WORKSHOP: On 17th Sept,  the ePSIplatform team in
conjunction with the Open Cities Topic Stream is hosting a sectoral
workshop on Transport Data with a focus on fuelling future mobility and
smart cities. The workshop is a round table meeting of transport data
holders (ao HSL, Trafi, SNCF), open data policy makers (ao DG MOVE) and
(new) re-users (ao OSM, iRail, Trafiklab, Samtrafiken, Google Transit).
Interested in getting involved? There are still a few seats left – find
details at:

***   O K F E S T    I N    T H E    N E W S   ***
1) Many thanks for two great pieces published this week by OKFestival
* “Adventuring through Europe on the Way to OKFest” by Billy Meinke,
Hawaii: http://ow.ly/dtqrH
* “Counting Down to the Open Knowledge Festival” by Jane Park in the
Creative Commons blog: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/33813
2) PRESS ACCREDITATION FOR OKFESTIVAL: Are you a journalist coming to
OKFest? There are still some places left for members of the press to apply
for accreditation, which will include full access to all events during the
festival as well as opportunities to interview Featured Speakers and other
important guests. Those interested can email Animaya Grant, Head of
Communications at the Finnish Institute, for
details:animaya.grant at finnish-institute.org.uk

***    P L A N N I N G     U P D A T E S    ***
1) TWITTER VISUALISATION: Thanks to designers Inka Kosonen, Juan Hernandez
and Flo Apps Ltd, the official #OKFest Twitter visualisation is now live on
the Web! You can see a preview of it on the okfestival.org banner and the
full version at http://okfestival.org/hashtag/#visualisation
2) OPEN SAUNA: On Fri, 21st Sept, companies and organisations across
Helsinki are opening up staff saunas to OKFestival participants for the
first time! To learn more about this unique initiative and the groups
involved, or to host your own Open Sauna, go to http://opensauna.org/
3) OKFEST VIDEO: Our Video+Production team <videoteam at okfestival.org> is
working hard to ensure the majority of the programme will be
streamed/recorded (except for HACK Cinema 2, the HACK Workshops, the MAKE
FABlab and MAKE meeting rooms). Stay tuned for details!
4) OKFEST LIBRARY & SHOP: You are all welcome to bring items to the new
OKFest Library during the week! More info & sign-up sheet here:
http://ow.ly/dtpGF You can also bring items to sell at OKFest shop, to be
sold along with our official festival t-shirts and other merch. More info &
sign-up sheet here:  http://ow.ly/dfHqw
5) WEEKLY SKYPE CALLS: Our weekly call for Guest Programme Planners
continues each Monday until the festival for those who have questions -
ping him if you want to join. Notes from this week's (Sept 3rd) meeting
here: http://muistio.tieke.fi/okfest-memo-monday-3-sept

That's it for this week, with a big thanks to each of you receiving this
bulletin for the continued work you're doing to make this festival the
biggest open knowledge event of the year. It's getting closer than ever,
and we are more excited than ever!

Kat and the OKFest Core Team
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