[okfn-discuss] Annotating Open Images with licence and authorship to prevent copyfraud
Gene Shackman
eval_gene at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 7 11:20:27 UTC 2013
Did you mention some tools to use to add in attribution info onto images? Where can I find those?
Gene Shackman, Ph.D.
The Global Social Change Research Project
Free Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
Applied Sociologist
From: Chris Sakkas <sanglorian at gmail.com>
To: Open Knowledge Foundation discussion list <okfn-discuss at lists.okfn.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: [okfn-discuss] [open-science] Annotating Open Images with licence and authorship to prevent copyfraud
The original, unwatermarked images could also be archived elsewhere. People who strip the attribution out of thoughtlessness or laziness would not bother to go into the archive and download the original image. People who are conscientious enough to source the original image are also likely conscientious enough to attribute correctly after doing so.
Chris Sakkas
Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki and the Living Libre blog and Twitter feed.
On 7 August 2013 05:54, Peter Murray-Rust <pm286 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Rafael Pezzi <rafael.pezzi at ufrgs.br> wrote:
>>I understand the problem, but also don't like watermarks. It will
be annoying to see the same watermark in all pictures and images
of a paper, a book or a website. In my view this would compromise
the visual appeal of open-licensed works.
>My primary intention was to stamp scientific (STEM) images - graphs, maps, photographs of scientific/medical objects etc. Here I believe the clarity of the science is much more important than visual appeal. Provenance and attribution are important and usually omitted.
>Submission a work that you do not have copyright, i.e. a free licensed work, although much easier, is as bad as intentionally removing a watermark.
>I'm not proposing that I stamp free licensed work with *my* authorship but that it should be stamped as free licensed work. Again, my primary target is science, though I can see the value for cultural works.
>Peter Murray-Rust
>Reader in Molecular Informatics
>Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
>University of Cambridge
>CB2 1EW, UK
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