[okfn-discuss] An interesting mapping tool for US data visualisation

Vitor Baptista vitor at vitorbaptista.com
Sun Feb 10 00:26:12 UTC 2013

Hey Zach,

I saw this project a few days ago, and I loved the idea. I've challenged a
friend to do something similar to Brazil, and he did :-)

I'm not sure if it's finished yet, but the repo is in
https://github.com/ltartari/stately. Here's a screenshot:


2013/2/7 Zach Beauvais <z.beauvais at gmail.com>

> Just had this pointed out to me: [stately][1], which looks a particularly
> interesting tool for visualising datasets which reflect relationships
> between states in the US (e.g. election results).
> Would be fun for lots of 'sets, and would also be interesting to see
> something similar developed for other countries, regions, and globally,
> wouldn't it?
> Cheers,
> -Z
> [1]: http://intridea.github.com/stately/
> --
> --
> Zach Beauvais | @zbeauvais <http://www.twitter.com/zbeauvais>
> www.zachbeauvais.com
> z.beauvais at gmail.com
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