[okfn-discuss] Open Data Day 2013 & OKFN – share the news (and blog post!)

Beatrice Martini beatrice.martini at okfn.org
Wed Jan 23 14:52:07 UTC 2013


Saturday 23rd Februrary is *Open Data Day 2013*!
Several members of the Open Knowledge Foundation network are organizing
events all around the world, and this year we also thought about providing
a specific topic that people could work on: the *Open Data Census*, a
project aiming to monitor the state of open government data.

We just published a blog post about it: check it out, share it, tweet it
and join us on Open Data Day!

Thank you!


Beatrice Martini
Events Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: beatricemartini
Twitter: @beatricemartini
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