[okfn-discuss] OKFN instance of IPython Notebook?

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Fri Jan 25 17:32:47 UTC 2013

Am 25.01.2013 um 16:53 schrieb Rafael Pezzi:

> It seems to me that it is not mature enough for general and widespread
> use. Installation is not trivial. - particularly the inclusion of add-on
> packages to add the functionality shown in the videos and blogs that you
> sent.

I've installed ipython on OS X using pip without any trouble. It only needed tornado and pyzmq, optionally, for using the interactive notebook in a browser. And matplotlib, numpy and sympy are all very easy to import today using pip as well. If you want a truly blob-like installer in the spirit of "all-you-can-math" you might want to try www.sagemath.org.



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