[okfn-discuss] Slides and audio from the First Open Economics Workshop in Cambridge, UK

Velichka Dimitrova velichka.dimitrova at okfn.org
Mon Jan 28 11:00:58 UTC 2013

Dear all,

We have published sessions summary, slides and audio from the First Open
Economics Workshop, which took place in Cambridge, UK last December
gathering 40 academic economists, data publishers and funders of economics
research, researchers and practitioners: *

The Open Knowledge Foundation realised this workshop together with the
Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law at Cambridge with the
support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

You can also visit the event's
webpage<http://openeconomics.net/events/workshop-dec-2012/>and see
photos of the event on

Velichka Dimitrova
Open Economics Project Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
http://okfn.org | http://openeconomics.net
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