[okfn-discuss] [JOB] OpenCorporates now hiring open data ninja, superb developer, & sysadmin

Chris Taggart countculture at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 14:33:08 UTC 2013

Were pleased to announced the OpenCorporates is gearing up for a big
expansion, and we're hiring – initially for a super Ruby developer, open
data ninja, and a sysadmin.

Details are at:

and at: http://opencorporates.theresumator.com/apply

This is a huge step forward for the open company data community, and comes
hot on the heels of the Open Company Data
Index<http://registries.opencorporates.com/>site we launched in
partnership with the World Bank last month.

Many thanks


Blog: http://blog.opencorporates.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenCorporates

OpenCorporates is published by Chrinon Ltd, a company dedicated to
improving and publishing public data under an open licence that allows and
encourages reuse, including commercially. Registered in England, number
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