[okfn-discuss] [FC-d"iscuss] A Free, Libre and Open Glossary

stef s at ctrlc.hu
Wed Jul 10 16:07:19 UTC 2013

sorry, sent the mail before finishing.

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 07:58:34AM -0700, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> Stef, you just posted on the Open Knowledge Foundation list a claim that
> "Open" is specifically a suppression of ethics in favor of business aims. I
> am sorry but that is nonsense.

as indicated in the context of sw it is not.

> The OKFN clearly is not using "open" that way.

i never implied so. maybe i'm mistaken, but i believe the author claiming
copyright over said document is not representing the OKFN.

> The historical fact that the term "open source" had connection to
> rejecting the FSF's ethical aims does not mean that everyone who uses
> "open" is aligning themselves with that view.

indeed, but the claim "that open and free" are synomyms in the context of
software is very worrying.

pgp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/stef.gpg
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otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt

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