[okfn-discuss] OKFN instance of IPython Notebook?

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Fri Mar 15 21:43:06 UTC 2013

I wrote:

> In fact, there is service named Wakari, http://wakari.io targeted at big data users that might do exactly what you want and more. It's been developped by Continuum Analytics, http://continuum.io, and is in private beta now, but I got this statement today from Continuum's Dave Kammeyer, saying:
> "Yeah, they can use a Wakari instance.  It's in beta right now, but if they want accounts, have them sign up at wakari.io, and I will make sure that they get approved for the beta immediately.  We're definitely happy to have folks like this use Wakari for free."
> I haven't used this myself, yet, but I guess, I will, since this is extremely promising, because you get quite a bit more than an IPython Notebook, as described in this blog entry: http://continuum.io/blog/introducing-wakari.

Wakari is now open (and still beta) and everybody is invited to register:




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