[okfn-discuss] Successes from around the OKF network
Laura James
laura.james at okfn.org
Thu May 16 11:59:33 UTC 2013
Here's a roundup of recent successes from around the network! * If you have
any achievements, big or small, to share, please just drop an email (one
line is fine!) to success at okfn.org *
* *CKAN 2.0 was released!* This is a huge step for CKAN towards great
usability and design, really focusing on being the leading platform for
making data discoverable for re-users, while helping publishers manage
their data easily and consistently online:
http://ckan.org/2013/05/13/announcing-ckan-2-0/ The announcement generated
lots of excitement from people around the world. New 2.0 catalogs have
already sprung up, e.g. http://data.codeforhouston.com/
* Data.gov have also been blogging about us (to coincide with Obama's 'open
by default' executive order last week), moving to CKAN and the features
this upgrade will bring:
* Transparency Camp* in DC went very well, lots of people from advocacy
groups & government. Lucy Chambers did *at least* 2 great sessions and even
got a couple of shout outs on the wrap up post:
* We wrote a blog piece around the *austerity economics paper* which had
data and methodology flaws that was re-blogged at the LSE Social Science
Impact Blog<http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2013/04/24/reinhart-rogoff-revisited-why-we-need-open-data-in-economics/>and
then at the New
* Our analysis<http://blog.okfn.org/2013/05/15/shakespeare-review-analysis/>of
the Shakespeare
review of public sector information in the
quoted in the Guardian
shared extensively online
* After many months of hard work and analysis, the post-pilot report for
the *Open Science Training Initiative* is now available! You can download
copies from http://www.opensciencetraining.com/content.php
Best regards,
Dr Laura James
Co-Director | skype: laura.james | @LaurieJ <https://twitter.com/LaurieJ>
The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
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