[okfn-discuss] The 5 stars of Open Data Portals

Pieter Colpaert pieter.colpaert at okfn.org
Tue Feb 4 13:44:47 UTC 2014

Hi list,

I gave a presentation on "the 5 stars of Open Data Portals" at an e-gov 
conference in Spain. I presented these 5 stars as 5 focus points when 
governments want to start an Open Data Portal. I'm using this as a 
reference for the features needed in the Flemish and Belgian Open Data 
Portal. Furthermore, they're going to be used to decide the focus points 
of further development of The DataTank.

The video/presentation is online over here: 
The 5 stars are published over here: http://pieter.pm/5stardataportals/
And you can provide feedback through github: 

I would love to get feedback in the github issue tracker on these 5 
stars. Each issue can become a discussion on what a future Open Data 
Portal should look like.

Kind regards,



+32 486 74 71 22

Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium

Open Transport Working Group OKFN

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