[okfn-discuss] Next steps on the Open Knowledge Tagline

heath rezabek heath.rezabek at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 12:54:13 UTC 2014

For some reason, 'Empowering ppl by freeing ideas' feels too chunky to me.
I don't know if changing the 'by' to a 'through' or just to a comma would

One part of it is that the tagline should -be- the idea that empowers; the
idea we're setting free.  The sentiment is great.  In a way, 'Open
Knowledge' is that idea.  So maybe I'm starting to fall on the side of
those who want no tagline.

That then begs conversation with those drawn to Open Knowledge but confused
about what it means.  I honestly think the ability to spark such a vast
conversation is the whole point.

I'm starting to weary of versions that repeat either word already there,
such as 'Open X/Y/Z' or the 'Future is Open' (though 'future' is a fine
concept to mix in, to me) because these dilute the potency of just plain
'Open Knowledge'.

So if Open Knowledge is its own strong tagline, aside from the 'standalone'
option, the other route would be a tagline that invited exploration.  Along
the lines of...

Open Knowledge:
Discover more.
Empower the Future.
Verb This.

ie, an imperative.

But again, because 'Open Knowledge' can be read at least two ways, it
already satisfies.  I say be bold, let the title stand for itself, and
welcome the conversation that begins.  "What does Open Knowledge mean?"
"Well, what does it mean to you?"

- Heath

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:24 AM, Tom Olijhoek <tom.olijhoek at gmail.com>

> I agree with Duncan Edwards and Aaron Wolf that 'Empowering people by
> freeing ideas' is a very good tagline.
> I also do not like See how... variants very much for reasons that Aaron
> gave.
> My second choice would be   'the right to know'.
> I also added a last minute idea that entered my mind to the WIKI
> the Future is Open.
> best
> --
> Tom Olijhoek
> C
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Heath Rezabek  //  labs.vessel.cc
Icarus Interstellar  /  FarMaker Design Corps  //  icarusinterstellar.org
Open Knowledge Foundation  /  Texas Ambassador for the OKFn  //  okfn.org
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