[okfn-discuss] idea: open knowledge manifesto

stef s at ctrlc.hu
Thu Jun 12 21:32:49 UTC 2014


On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 09:18:41PM +0100, Laura James wrote:
> In this week's workshop on Privacy + Open Data, a few people suggested the
> idea of a manifesto to set out what open knowledge is all about.  This
> could be a short text setting out what we believe in, which folks who share
> our vision could sign to indicate their commitment.
> It's not the first time the idea has come up, so I'd love your opinions!
> Do you want to have a manifesto?

i guess calling a manifesto instead of guidelines is PR-wise wise.

> What should it look like?

i really like the cc concept, where you have icons, simple one-liners, a
description for laypeople, and a full "legal" text.

> Which issues should it include?

clear red lines what is open data/knowledge and what not, and how to handle
both classes of cases and corner-cases. a clear statement that personal data
is very separate thing from open data.

> Which issues should it not include?
> What's the best platform for collaborative drafting - an etherpad, a google
> document, a github repository, something else?

etherpad might be the most inclusive.

> I've set up an etherpad to gather ideas on these questions:
> http://pad.okfn.org/p/manifesto_ideas

i'm travelling, but will follow this thread and hopefully will be able next
week to have a deeper look.

> <https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/document/d/1dxwEV3Qt9S3sbOP7XSnefZ6koOcN7Xj3LGfvpkTuWlQ/edit>.

would you share this on your own infrastructure as well?


otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt

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