[okfn-discuss] Big News! OKFestival Extends Deadline for Session Proposals! New deadline: March 30, 2014.

Beatrice Martini beatrice.martini at okfn.org
Fri Mar 14 13:30:26 UTC 2014


The OKFestival <http://2014.okfestival.org/>Team has big news for you:
the deadline
to submit your OKFestival 2014 session proposals is now extended to March

As you already know, this year's OKFestival Call for
Proposals<http://2014.okfestival.org/programme/propose-a-session/> was
due to end on Sunday and our spreadsheets have been filling up with dozens
of amazing session ideas. We've had lots of questions from you about your
proposals, answered heaps of Twitter
<https://twitter.com/OKFestival>messages asking for hints about the
way to design a workshop<http://2014.okfestival.org/programme/session-tips/>,
and hosted live
you to talk about how you can collaborate with each other.

So, excited by your enthusiasm and fuelled by your contagious energy, we
have decided to extend the deadline for this year's proposals. We want to
hear from you! And we've even created a special mailing
that you can get in touch easily with one another to collaborate on

New deadline: March 30. And this time we're serious!
Keep sending <http://2014.okfestival.org/programme/propose-a-session/> your
brilliant, groundbreaking, collaborative proposals. We're looking forward
to reviewing them all!


OKFestival 2014 Team

Beatrice Martini
Events Manager  |  skype: beatricemartini  |
The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
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