[okfn-discuss] The Open Knowledge Brasil is a finalist of the Google Impact Challenge | Brazil!

Everton Zanella Alvarenga tom at okfn.org.br
Thu May 8 23:11:50 UTC 2014

We got half the prize, R$ 500,000! *

Going to cellebrate now with friends and tell better later! Thank you all
for the support!!!

* We were not the 3 selected by the selection committee or the most voted
online, but Google gave half the prize for the other 6 projects! Already a
victory for a 6 months organization!

More to come!



2014-05-07 15:22 GMT-03:00 Megan McGrattan <megan.mcgrattan at okfn.org>:

> Guys this is amazing!
> I used to judge the applications for Google's Global Impact Challenge and
> it's a high standard, so well done! :)
> On 7 May 2014 14:52, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <tom at okfn.org.br> wrote:
>> Thanks, Laura and others! Just a reminder, today is the last day for
>> voting on our project. Please, if you haven't voted, support us:
>> http://votegastosabertos.org (it's just two clicks and less than 10
>> seconds! Or 1 minute and 10 seconds if you haven't watched the video)
>> You may also support us sharing on facebook<https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=578387805593264&set=a.390259587739421.85817.254401497991898&type=1&theater>and
>> retweeting <https://twitter.com/OKFN/status/463367669128134656>!
>> Let's see tomorrow!
>> Tom
>> 2014-04-30 8:51 GMT-03:00 Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org>:
>>> This is great news -  well done to everyone involved in getting this
>>> far!
>>> It's wonderful to see the energy behind this project and bringing
>>> together OpenSpending and Escola de Dados will be a really powerful
>>> step in helping citizens understand public money and improve their local
>>> environments.
>>> We'll be voting and supporting OKF-Br however we can :-)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Laura
>>> --
>>> * Dr Laura James CEO   *
>>> *skype: laura.james  |  *@LaurieJ <http://twitter.com/LaurieJ>
>>> Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>    -    See how data can change the
>>> world
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>>> Blog <http://blog.okfn.org/>   <http://okfn.org/about/newsletter>
>> --
>> "Estamos na final do Desafio de Impacto Social Google | Brasil! Quer
>> saber para onde vai o dinheiro dos nossos impostos? Ajude e vote
>> http://goo.gl/EzcfhP "
>> "We are a finalist of the Google Impact Challenge | Brazil. Where does
>> the money from the Brazilian taxes go? Please, support us voting
>> http://goo.gl/EzcfhP "
>> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
>> Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
>> http://br.okfn.org
> --
> *Megan McGrattan*
> Event Co-Ordinator  |  skype: megan.bianca  |  @meganbianca<https://twitter.com/meganbianca>
> OK Festival 2014, Berlin | @okfestival <https://twitter.com/okfestival> | OKF2014
> on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OpenKnowledgeFestival>
> *The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>*
> Empowering through Open Knowledge
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"Estamos na final do Desafio de Impacto Social Google | Brasil! Quer saber
para onde vai o dinheiro dos nossos impostos? Ajude e vote
http://goo.gl/EzcfhP "

"We are a finalist of the Google Impact Challenge | Brazil. Where does the
money from the Brazilian taxes go? Please, support us voting
http://goo.gl/EzcfhP "

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
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