[okfn-discuss] Wheelchair accessibility data

Jan Vansteenlandt vansteenlandt.jan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 12:17:46 UTC 2015

Hey all,

For a show case application, I’m looking for wheelchair accessibility data. This is data that tells you information about measurements for certain public places.

For example:

The steepness for the ramp towards the entrance of this public building is x% and the total height difference is 10 cm. 
The toilet for handicapped people is x by y cm big.

You hopefully get the picture. I was looking on the data.gov.uk <http://data.gov.uk/>  portal but the search I ventured on got me little to nowhere. 
So am I looking for the wrong thing (wheelchair / accessibility) or is there no open data whatsoever on accessibility measurements in the UK?

Best regards,

Jan Vansteenlandt
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