[okfn-discuss] Fwd: Consulting Opportunity in Data Management for the Open Government Partnership

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Tue Aug 25 19:10:38 UTC 2015

Forwarded with permission. I am interested in the results of this - more
intelligent networking and info dissemination in the open gov/civic tech
space globally... so if you get the contract, tell me what you did. :-)
Steven Clift

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lynn Fine" <lynnfine at gmail.com>
Date: Aug 24, 2015 7:18 PM
Subject: Consulting Opportunity in Data Management for the Open Government

> Forwarding this for a peer of mine at the Open Government Partnership.
Thanks in advance for any leads and suggestions!
> Cheers,
> Lynn
> Open Government Partnership (OGP) is looking for a short term consultant
with technical experience and data management skills to work on a project
reorganizing all of their contacts in the global open government community.

> OGP currently maintains a relatively large list (2000+) of contacts that
it uses to distribute general information but would like to gather more
information about users in order to send more targeted messages (ie
multiple languages, specific interest groups, degree of technical
expertise/ interest).  The consultant would be charged with finding the
right database system (OGP currently uses Insightly as a CRM and Mailchimp
for newsletter distribution but is open to other platforms).
> The new database would need to be set up in a way that could be easily
maintained by OGP staff after the contract ends.
> The consultant could be based in the SF area or work virtually.
> Please send any suggestions to: communications at opengovpartnership.org
> --
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