[okfn-discuss] Twitter accounts

Naomi Lillie naomi.lillie at okfn.org
Thu Feb 19 12:33:25 UTC 2015

Gustavo & Marieke thank you, you have it covered, just adding a couple of
notes for context:

   - Open Literature combined with Open Shakespeare within Open Humanities,
   so this last group is the group to which this question should be directed
   - Open Heritage merged with OpenGLAM http://openglam.org/
   - The implicit strategy for twitter accounts is for WGs to use as they
   see fit - OKI doesn't insist on a specific strategy and it's ok for
   accounts to become dormant if they're not useful, although web links should
   be kept updated. Saying that, it appears some more thought and explicit
   strategy would be useful here, so we'll have a think (OKI and groups)
   together at some point to develop together. In the meantime - suggestions

Thanks John, hope this helps :-)


On 16 February 2015 at 08:36, Marieke Guy <marieke.guy at okfn.org> wrote:

>  Hi Gustavo, John and list,
> I'm sure some one from the communications team will reply but for info
> there are the following Twitter lists:
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-working-groups
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-people
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-board
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-advisory-board
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-projects
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-local-groups
>    - https://twitter.com/OKFN/lists/okfn-on-twitter
> These lists are managed by Open Knowledge and are regularly updated. Any
> issues with accounts or missing groups I suggest you email info at okfn.org
> and they will get things going
> Thanks
> Marieke
> On 15/02/2015 21:21, John Levin wrote:
> Hi Gustavo & list,
> Asking because I was doing a bit of maintenance on the Open Lit & Open
> Hums sites, and discovered some dormant twitter accs.
> More generally, what is the best way to file bugs for the website? The
> list of working  groups on this page
> https://okfn.org/network/
> is missing Open Literature and Open Legislation.
> Best
> John
> On 15/02/2015 19:56, Gustavo Silva wrote:
> Hi John,
> I believe most of the work group teams have their own twitter account. I
> think some of those are not work groups, so I am not sure if those are
> official twitter accounts related with OKFN.
> Nevertheless, one good way to check all accounts is to go to
> https://okfn.org/network/ and check if they have twitter accounts.
> It is not an easy task but...
> By the way, can you tell us why you asked?
> 2015-02-15 15:27 GMT+00:00 John Levin <john at technolalia.org
> <mailto:john at technolalia.org> <john at technolalia.org>>:
>     Hi,
>     I have some questions about some OKFN twitter accounts.
>     1: Is OpenLiterature https://twitter.com/__OpenLiterature
>     <https://twitter.com/OpenLiterature>
> <https://twitter.com/OpenLiterature> an OKFN account?
>     2: The Open Heritage profile (https://twitter.com/__openheritage
>     <https://twitter.com/openheritage> <https://twitter.com/openheritage>)
> has a link to
>     http://openheritage.okfn.org/ that leads to a server not found
> message.
>     3: The above accounts, and Open Shakespeare -
>     https://twitter.com/__openshakespeare
>     <https://twitter.com/openshakespeare>
> <https://twitter.com/openshakespeare> - are dormant, with no
>     activity since 2012. I know Twitter is one of those things that
>     requires constant attention, and therefore is quite burdensome. Does
>     OKFN have any strategy for reviving these accounts or running
>     twitter accs in general?
>     4: And is there a list of all the OKFN-related accounts available
>     somewhere?
>     TIA
>     John
>     --
>     John Levin
>     http://www.anterotesis.com
>     http://twitter.com/anterotesis
> --
> Marieke Guy
> Project Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 |
> @mariekeguy <http://twitter.com/mariekeguy>
> Open Education Working Group <http://education.okfn.org/>
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> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork> | Blog
> <http://blog.okfn.org> | Newsletter <http://okfn.org/about/newsletter/>
> http://remoteworker.wordpress.com
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Naomi Lillie

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