[okfn-discuss] Mapping local initiatives supporting refugees

Atenas, Javiera j.atenas at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 5 15:18:13 UTC 2016

Dear Margo,
You might be interested in http://the19millionproject.com/ an Italian open data project regarding migration and refugees, also it worth looking at @open_migration  both projects are coordinated by the Italian coalition for civil liberties http://www.cilditalia.org/ @Cild2014

If you are interested in their projects please let me know

Best wishes and happy new year


Javiera Atenas, PhD
HEA Fellow
School of Management
University College London

On 31 Dec 2015, at 08:45, Tarek Amr <tarekamr at gmail.com<mailto:tarekamr at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Margo,

Not sure about Open Data, however, you can also follow the TechRefugees group, they keep track of relevant initiatives

P.S. At my current company, we are building a platform to matchmake entrepreneurial refugees with investors and mentors in Europe

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 5:12 AM, Mart?n Szyszlican <martinsz at gmail.com<mailto:martinsz at gmail.com>> wrote:
Yes, please refer to MigrantHub in Berlin. http://www.migrationhub.eu/
Take note of EmpowerHack in London. https://www.facebook.com/groups/EmpowerHack/
And remember the 19 million project in Rome. http://the19millionproject.com/

There's many more that can be reached from those URLs.

Please keep us posted on your inquiry, I think this topic's relevant will only increase in the coming months.


El mar., 22 de dic. de 2015 a la(s) 17:47, Open Steps <contact at open-steps.org<mailto:contact at open-steps.org>> escribi?:

I am looking for open data on local initiatives/projects/organisations
supporting refugees in Europe, particularly in Germany, France &

Any tip?


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Best Regards
Tarek Amr


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